The Liebster Award



A big thank you to my fellow blogger Emmanuel Rockan, developer of Life lessons, for nominating me for the Liebster Award.  If you haven’t stopped by his blog and checked it out, make sure you do.  He has some great work for you to read.

I started my blog as kind of a sounding board to see what other people thought about my thoughts.  Another perspective so to speak.  I have also had the enjoyment of reading some fine work and hearing from other people around the world.  WARNING:  It can become addictive.  I never really realized that there were so many talented writers out there.  It has been a very welcoming and humbling experience.  My good friend Dr. David Tripp is responsible for getting me involved with writing blogs and I will never be able to thank him enough.

On accepting the nomination, the rules to be followed are:

1)  Create a new post thanking the person who nominated you, provide a link to their             blog.

2)  Include award graphic.

3)  Answer the questions provided.

4)  Make a new set of questions for your nominees to answer.

5)  Nominate 5-11 upcoming or recently followed bloggers and share your post with them       so they see it.

1)  Why did you start your blog?  I basically wanted to see what other people thought of my thoughts and to maybe get some feedback.

2)  What do you find so good about blogging that you can’t quit being a blogger?  I love reading the opinions from people of different countries and cultures and getting their input.

3)  What’s the most frightening situation you ever found yourself in?  I once kicked in the door of a neighbor who was constantly battering his wife, to only find myself staring down the barrel of a pistol.

4) Have you ever wrote a book or a poem?  No

5)  How did you deal with writer’s block?  I load my kayak up and go to the river and recharge my soul and cleanse my spirit completely cleansing my mind of negative thoughts.

6)  What’s the most embarrassing situation you’ve found yourself in?  One time I had to go to the restroom so bad that I rushed in to the bathroom only to find out that I should have done a better job of reading the sign.

7)  What do you find hard about blogging?  Sometimes I know what I want to say but I have a hard time expressing those thoughts in words.

8)  Have you achieved or (achieving) the goal you set for yourself when you started blogging.  Quite honestly I never set any goals.

9)  Have you ever been criticized about something you wrote on your blog?  The night is still young, but no, not at this time.

10)  How do you deal with criticism.  I listen to the criticism and think about what is said and most of the time walk away saying we just need to agree to disagree.  I DO NOT tolerate name calling.  I respect everyone’s opinion as long as they respect mine.

My questions for the nominees:

  1. Who or what is the biggest inspiration in your life?
  2. At the point that you are right now in your life, what, if anything, is your biggest regret?
  3. If you could live in another time in history, when would it be and why?
  4. Of all the books you have read in your lifetime, which book is your favorite?
  5. If you had to pick between living in a cabin, sitting on the shoreline of a lake in the country or a loft in a major city, which would you choose and why?
  6. If you stumbled upon a magic lamp and were granted three wishes what would they be? (Naming in order of importance with 1 being most important.)
  7. What is your favorite quotation of all time?
  8. On the way out of the store you realize that the cashier gave you a $20 bill, and it was supposed to have been a $10 bill, what would you do and why?
  9. How would you describe your perfect mate for life?
  10. Use one word to describe your “blogging” experience.

Trying to pick eleven nominees, when everyone I follow is deserving, is hard to do.  To all of you I say, stay focused on what you do.  Spread the love.  Don’t be afraid to voice your opinion and always respect the opinions of others.  Respecting them doesn’t mean you agree with them.  It means you are a person to respect.  Most of all, never, NEVER stop dreaming.

My nominees are:

Dee Kay

Chad and Marie from No Harm In Farmin




Heather C

Christy B



The Little Mermaid


Be sure to check them out.  I have certainly enjoyed them and hope you will also.  Again I would like to thank Emmanuel Rockan for nominating me.


8 thoughts on “The Liebster Award

  1. What do you find so good about blogging that you can’t quit being a blogger? I love reading the opinions from people of different countries and cultures and getting their input

    The wordpress platform also important for me, I can actually read texts here, I just can’t do it on facebook

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