Facing Fear

He who is not everyday conquering some fear has not learned the secret of life.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

At the end of Liberty Hollow, near the town named Fear, was a modest homestead occupied by a humble two room shack. Void of all the modern conveniences, electricity and running water. It backed up to a gentle slope of Freedom Mountain. Within the walls of this shack lived a mountain of a man, strong as an ox but as gentle as the falling snow.

He stayed to himself and lived a simple life. Lived off the land and never took more than what he needed to sustain his way of life.

Once a month he would venture into town to get supplies he couldn’t produce himself i.e., flour, lard, coffee and a plug or two of Days Work. Standing at 6’4” with his salt and pepper beard cascading to the middle of his chest, jet black hair resting on his shoulders and his chiseled physique made him quite intimidating to the towns people.

He was never violent, showed nothing but kindness and appeared happy, but the inhabitants of Fear were afraid of him. Was it the unknown that they feared? No one really knew anything about him. No one attempted to befriend him or get to know him. They would cross the street to avoid him. Fear was in control.

He was surrounded by mystery. He talked to the woodland creatures and doctored them when they were hurt. The “Keeper” of Mother Nature’s woodland creatures? They had no fear of him.

The inhabitants of the town of Fear thought he was possessed and added to their fear of him. This behavior wasn’t normal. It’s sad how when folks don’t understand something or somebody they are governed by fear.

Years went by with no change. One day he didn’t show up in town to pick up his supplies. Another month came and went and he was a no show. Town folk just assumed he died but their fear of him kept them from investigating.

Fear breeds rumors and it wasn’t long until rumors started circulating around town. Some said he died from a lonely heart, others said he went mad and took his own life and one rumor was that what possessed him transformed him into a coyote and is running wild in the wilderness to this day.

Some town folks recall one odd night when the coyotes became restless and their mournful howls could be heard throughout Liberty Hollow. It was as if they were mourning. The other woodland creatures seemed to go into hiding for a week. Had the “Keeper” of Mother Nature’s woodland creatures been called home? Fear kept the town’s people from ever knowing.

Never let fear rule your life. Always face your fears and put them behind you. You will be a better person for it. Facing fear not only changes your life it also encourages those around you to do the same. When we let fear control our lives we rob ourselves of peace, love, happiness and quality of life. Fear can be defeated but we have to do it ourselves, no one can do it for us. If just one person would have faced their fear of this man it could have turned the whole town around and there could have been a happy ending. After all the animals had no fear of him. They saw the good in him.

Fear vs Freedom

Fear again. If you want to control someone, all you have to do is make them feel afraid.” Charles Eisenst

Fear: to be afraid of (someone or something) as likely to be dangerous, painful, or threatening. Fear is the most controlling emotion that we have. It can make us do things we would never do normally.

The bully controls people with fear. Criminals use it to intimidate. Out of fear witnesses refuse to come forward to testify against them. Street gangs shake down business owners for protection money. If the owner refuses they begin breaking merchandise until out of fear the store owner meets their demands. Abusive spouses use fear to control their mates. In areas of high crime whole communities live in fear. Governments use fear to control its citizens. Hitler was a master at using fear. He used “Brown Shirts” to instill fear in the citizens. They are infamous for their operations outside of the law. The rest is history.

One can overcome their fear of the dark, of heights, of clowns etc. but when one fears for their life it is a much more difficult.

So what do we do? All of the above prey upon the weak. Courage and strength can be found in numbers. If all the victims of the bully were to unite and face off against the bully they could defeat him. Business owners could unite and organize to run the street gangs out of their area. Communities can organize and take to the streets and take their communities away from the criminals that caused them to live in fear. Citizens need to organize and join together to defeat the tyrannical government. The colonists did just that and the United States of America was created.

I am in no way advocating it will be easy. We have to find the courage to take action. Courage trumps fear. It takes a lot of courage but the ultimate reward is freedom. Nothing in life comes easy but it is better than living in fear.

If you are living in fear you need to weigh your options carefully. Do your homework and don’t go off half cocked. You have to decide if you have the courage to change things. Examine your resources. Devise a plan and stick to it. Once you put the wheels in motion you can’t turn back. You have to finish what you started.