My Take on Aging

Growing old doesn’t bother me. I know it is a given and I accept it. It’s the changes that concerns me.

Every year my hair grows grayer and my beard turns whiter. When I get out of bed in the mornings it sounds like someone poured milk on Rice Krispies.

The biggest disappointment is not being able to do the things I used to be able to do.

My strength wanes every year. Fifty pound feed sacks now feel like a hundred pounds. I easily run out of breath and my “Git” along seems to have done got up and got along all by itself. I can no longer play “pull my finger” because it is like playing Russian Roulette. The word “depends” takes on a whole new meaning. It now is known as a protective under garment. You now plan your outings around bathrooms. When I go fishing the number of steps decides where I will be fishing instead of where the fish may be hanging out. The song Gimme Three Steps is no longer about a jealous boyfriend and a man with hair colored yellow.

Growing up all I heard about was the “Golden Years” and I can tell you now the only thing Golden is my doctor’s wallet.

Finally I’ve started thinking a lot about the here after. I walk into a room thinking now what did I come in here after.

Now you have my thoughts on aging. Good thing is I am still on the right side of the dirt and hope to be for sometime yet. I just have to take it one day at a time and put on my big boy panties and say I can do this!

Chronic Pain

Pain is the body’s way of telling the brain we are still alive. That’s my story and I am sticking to it.

I have wrestled with the idea of addressing this subject for sometime. I think I can speak for the majority of us who suffer from chronic pain syndrome when I say we aren’t looking for sympathy or pity. We just want you to understand what we are dealing with. Too many think we are overreacting and are just cry babies. I am here to tell you the pain is real and can be relentless at times.

Mine began when I crushed my heel, broke my ankle and instep in 1979. My toes were about the only thing that were spared. The doctor who treated me said he didn’t think I would walk again and if I managed to do so it would be with the assistance of a cane. He was wrong on both counts.

The bones healed but the pain never really stopped. It just got worse. It has wreaked havoc on my quality of life. I have reached a point where all I want to do is sit on my arse and keep my foot elevated to combat the pain.

On those days I force myself to get up, put on my big boy panties and deal with it. Some days are harder than others. The pain is not only physical but emotional as well. I have to fight off depression daily but I can say I have remained victorious in that battle. I get tired of hurting. I try to remember what life was like without pain. It keeps me awake at night and causes fatigue. It becomes a chore just to go to town 3 miles away. Negative thoughts try to creep in but I have learned to keep them at bay with positive thoughts. It can be quite the emotional battle that some days drain me mentally and physically.

Recently I have had to start the day using a cane but once I am up and moving for about an hour and the foot loosens up I can lose the cane. There are mornings that I have to work diligently to get my foot in a boot. The majority of my pain is caused by inflammation and arthritis.

I have enrolled in pain management with little success. I was on hydrocodone for ten years until one morning I got up and took myself off it. It basically just dulled my pain and I was afraid of what it was doing to my body. I wasn’t getting any real benefit from it. I have tried ointments and even used horse liniment that gives short lived temporary relief never completely eradicating the pain.

I contribute my ability to cope with CPS to my love of nature, fishing and kayaking. They keep me motivated to deal with it and to keep on trucking.

I am by no means the only one who suffers from CPS and we all have different ways of combating it. Just please be aware that for the majority of us the pain is real. Our quality of life sucks and we become cranky and hard to be around. We don’t mean to be but the fatigue and pain sometimes become so unbearable we lash out even though it against our better judgement.

No doubt you all know someone who suffers from CPS. Please don’t offer us pity or sympathy. Instead try to understand us and be a positive force in our life. Help us through the rough spots. There are days that an “atta boy” or hug can ease the pain, give us hope and brighten our days. Please don’t judge us just try to understand us.

Dealing With Pain

Pain can change many things in a person’s life. It can have a big impact as to the outcome of your life.

“We cannot be more sensitive to pleasure without being more sensitive to pain ” – Alan Watts

Pain can be a gut wrenching experience. It can cause someone to give up and hope that death comes knocking on their door. It can turn one to drugs, alcohol, self mutilation. It can totally destroy your life if you let it. It’s in your hands as to whether you overcome it or fail. It’s not an easy road. The road is filled with jubilation, disappointment, setbacks, trials, tribulation, and heartbreak. Once you become determined and overcome the pain you will be rewarded by cruising down the road of jubilation.

“We can alleviate physical pain, but mental pain, grief, despair, depression, dementiais less accessible to treatment. It is connected to who we are – our personality, our character, our soul if you like.

People have many different ways that they cope with pain. It doesn’t matter how you handle it as long as your method is successful. If you find that you can’t do it by yourself then please don’t be afraid to seek help and get counseling. It doesn’t mean that your weak it means you are smart enough to understand that you can’t go it alone.

It can be pain caused from losing someone close to you to death. It can be a divorce or break up. Being bullied can cause unimaginable pain. They all have one thing in common. That is that you can overcome any one of them.

“To truly laugh, you must be able to take your pain, and play with it.” – Charlie Chaplin

“Life is short. You have to be able to laugh at our pain or we never move on.” – Jeff Ross

We become a prisoner of pain until we learn to let go and move on with our lives. We have to refuse to hold on to pain while releasing fear and hurt. You can use this new energy to start a new chapter in your life instead of letting it hold you back.

Unfathomable Determination

The rain has pretty much settled in for the night. I sit here with my eyes closed listening to the raindrops dancing on the tin roof creating a soothing symphony.

My mind focuses on those brave men and women, the pioneers, who settled the west. They had no idea of the challenges they would face. The only idea they had of where they were going was the tales they had in there minds put there by the adventurers who went before them.

There were stories of feast and famine. Massacres. Whole wagon trains who died and didn’t fulfill their dreams. Disease and prairie fires. Yet these people had a dream that so obsessed them they were willing to sacrifice anything and everything to follow their dream. That profound dedication my friends died with them and no longer exists in this country anymore.

I don’t know if you have ever been camping in the rain but I can tell you from experience it can be very miserable.

I sit here in the coziness of my cabin listening to the rain and I have a vision of men, women, and children huddled together under the rain fly of a wagon trying to get their nourishment so they will have the stamina to do another 10 to 20 miles beginning at dawn. One can only imagine the sore muscles they must have been nursing. Wondering how much further they have to travel. How many more river crossings and broken wagon wheels they will have to endure. Will it be their wagon that breaks this time? How many more of their possessions will they have to leave behind so they can lighten the load on the wagons so they can get them over the mountain?

With these things dancing through their minds it had to be difficult to sleep. Knowing all to well they needed to sleep so they could get the much needed rest to complete another leg of their journey.

The fingers of dawn ascend on their camp. The rain has stopped and the day promises sunshine to dry things out. They begin packing the wagons, hitching the teams and checking the wagons so they can start out once again. They have to battle the annoying suction created by the mud delivering another hardship for them to deal with.

Guts and grit kept them pushing toward their destination and failure was not an option. True representation of determination and faith. They not only needed faith in God. They had to have faith in those leading them and most of all faith in themselves. There were those who celebrated and those who endured heartbreak. So many died along those trails who never lost sight of their dream and died trying to bring their dream to reality.

People could learn a lot from these pioneers and use it in their lives to achieve their dreams. Don’t ever stop believing. They didn’t.

Spread the love and be kind to one another. It doesn’t cost you anything.

My Addiction


“I believe that there is a subtle magnetism in Nature, which, if we unconsciously yield to it, will direct us aright.” – Henry David Thoreau

My adventure began December 16, 2017.  I went to the property we own in Frank Clay that morning and had been cutting wood.  It was a gorgeous day and I was having withdrawal symptoms.  My addiction hadn’t been fed in awhile and I knew the longer I neglected it the worse it would get.

I arrived home around 2:30 and fed the horses.  I then went to work unloading a load of wood that I had brought back.  When that was done I went to work organizing the necessary items for a night in the woods.

I arrived at the property at 5:30 p.m. so I would be setting up in the dark.  First thing I did was get the fire started so that when I was finished setting up I could rustle up some grub.


My palace for the evening.

It was 47 degrees when I arrived at the property.  They were calling for a low of 40 and light rain by morning.

Once I had supper behind me I began reflecting on the day and the early night.  The temperature had dropped to 40 degtrees and I could feel the fingers of the cold tugging at my toes and feet.

As I sat watching the flames of the fire dancing around the wood I began thinking just how fortunate I am to be able to experience Nature in this way.  I think we tend to get so caught up in our everyday routines that we take our freedoms for granted.  In our minds we tell ourselves that it will be there.  We seem to forget how fragile life is.  It can change in a matter of seconds and we lose the luxury to enjoy the things we hold so dear to our hearts.

As I sat there absorbing my surroundings I tried to imagine what it would be like for someone that has never experienced Nature in this way.  No matter how hard I tried I couldn’t wrap my mind around what it would be like.  I realize that a lot of people don’t exactly have this adventure on their bucket list.  To those people I say, find your “Nature experience”.  That one experience that fills your heart with joy, recharges your spirit and cleanses your soul.  That “me” time that we need to clear our minds and help us cope with life.   Now close your eyes and think what that is.  You got it?  Hold it dear in your heart and don’t ever hesitate to go there and enjoy that time.

Another passion of mine is Dutch Oven cooking.  My favorite is the ten inch.  It is quite versatile and I carry that with me on my camping excursions.  It also works well as a skillet.  That was my choice for Sunday morning.  It is great for cooking the complete meal in one pot.  This morning I chose potatoes, sausage and eggs.  Food tastes so much better when cooked outside, or at least that is my opinion.  As I sat there eating breakfast I watched as the forest came to life.  I watched as two deer made their way past camp and it must have been a squirrel family reunion.  Several were enjoying the mild December weather.  I had ten coyotes visit camp the night before.  They didn’t stay long.  They must have been looking for that roadrunner that was always picking on their cousin Wiley.


“When one tugs at a single thing in nature, he finds it attached to the rest of the world.” – John Muir

Thanks for taking the time to read my blog.  I hope you enjoyed it.  If your passion is say Bingo, then take the time to go to that place and renew your spirit and cleanse your soul.  I know it is sometimes hard to find that time you really need.  Learn to schedule this much needed time in your life.  Remember to spread the love.


IPad 029

“The probability that we may fail in the struggle ought not to deter us from the support of a cause we believe to be just.” – Abraham Lincoln

For those of you who don’t know me, I am a farrier by trade and sometimes there can be considerable distance from our jobs so we incur a lot of windshield time.  This was one of those days for me today.  The word of the day seemed to be “why” because it kept popping up in my mind.

Why do people find it necessary to hurt someone because they don’t agree with someone’s point of view?  Just recently a young lady, who’s blog I follow, had some hurtful replies to one particular blog she published.  I am sorry but I find that intolerable.  There are ways of saying you disagree without having to be hateful.  If you are one of those people that hurt people intentionally, please tell me what is gained by doing it.  Enlighten me.

Why do you always have to be right?  News flash folks, it is not the end of the world if you are wrong and the individual that has the fortitude to admit it my hat is off to them.  That tells me that you have class and must be an aspiring individual.

Why does there necessarily have to be a “right” or a “wrong”?  Why can’t we just agree to disagree?  Everyone has their reasons for believing the way they do.  Right now I see this going on in the world of politics at the moment in this country on national, state and local levels of government.  You think POTUS is an idiot and doing a terrible job.  You think the POTUS is doing a great job and pleased with his/her performance.  Neither one of you are right or wrong.  All you have is an opinion of the POTUS formed by different reasons.  opinion : a view or judgement about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge.  So please, both of you just agree to disagree and move on.

“When you have the right, doesn’t mean you are right.”– Farrah Ezzatie

Why can’t we just compromise?  What is so wrong with compromising?  compromise : accept standards that are lower than is desirable  First off I want to make something perfectly clear, I am NOT a democrat or republican.  I loathe the party system that we have in this country.  I look at the individuals in the race and form an opinion as to who I feel is the best person for the job and that is how I vote.  I digress, sorry.  Ok the present POTUS, governor, senator, etc. does not meet your standards why can’t you just compromise and in 2 or 4 years vote their arses out of office instead of calling all those that supported them (and heaven forbid didn’t agree with your opinion) stupid, racist, deplorable etc..   What makes you so right or them so wrong?  The name calling and constant attacks on those you do not agree with does no good for anyone.  It just creates a bigger divide in this country.  It is not Russia, Isis, or North Korea we have to fear.  No.  Our biggest fear is ourselves.  We are our own worst enemy.

“America will never be destroyed from the outside.  If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.” – Abraham Lincoln

Once again I thank you for taking the time to read my post.  This is one I really avoided writing about but I felt I just needed to say it.   Will it change things?  Very doubtful.  Spread the love.

“It has been profoundly said, and how true it is, that the only thing necessary for evil to exist is for good people to remain silent.” – Edmund Burke

My Take on Self-reliance




Just me and my dog Kate


“It is easy in the world to live after the world’s opinion; it is easy in solitude to live after our own; but the great man is he who in the midst of the crowd keeps with perfect sweetness the independence of solitude.”  – Ralph Waldo Emerson

Merriam-Webster defines self-reliance as reliance on one’s own efforts and abilities.

When I hear “self-reliance I think of the early pioneers and the hardships they had to endure.  They were pretty much able to take care of themselves.  They raised and hunted their own food, played doctor, teacher and were carpenters.  They had to be that way in order to survive.

In today’s world self- reliance seems to have left the building.    Sad part is that children of today aren’t being given a chance to be self-reliant.  The parents  just don’t want to take the time out of their busy schedule to teach them.   Grandparents have it in their minds that they  have to do everything for them, be their best friend and by all means don’t hurt their feelings.  Both sides argue that the child isn’t responsible enough but at the same time they aren’t teaching the child responsibility.  All of this is done with good intentions however, the child is the one who is losing and will have no ideal how to do things for themselves.  They grow up expecting people to do everything for them and .  When I look into my crystal ball I don’t see a very good future for them.

Then we have the government using public assistance to enslave John Q Public.  Why?  They don’t want us to even entertain the idea of self-reliance.  Keep us from attaining it and we hand them the control that gives them the upper hand if they need it.  Ok, settle down.  Quit laughing so hard.  Maybe I am getting senile but it is happening more and more as folks lose their jobs.  Public Assistance, the New Form of Self-Reliance! by your Congressional Representatives.



We interrupt this program for a message from the turkey above, Please eat more possum.  My friends and family will appreciate it.

“Over the years, Americans in particular have been all too willing to squander their hard-earned independence and freedom for the illusion of feeling safe under someone else’s authority.  The concept of self-sufficiency has been undermined in value over a scant few generations.  The vast majority of the population seems to look down their noses upon self-reliance as some quaint dusty relic, entertained only by the hyperparanoid or those hopelessly incapable of fitting into mainstream society.” – Cody Lundin

I don’t think folks put enough emphasis on self-reliance.  Anyone who lived during the “Great Depression” can tell you how important it is.  Nobody seems to understand it can happen again and seem to be  complacent with the government taking care of them.  My way of thinking is I would rather be in control of my outcome in that situation and trust no one else with my surviving.  Just look how they take care of our veterans.  Still feel warm and fuzzy inside thinking of them taking care of you when the SHTF?

Self-reliance also involves one thinking for themselves and not letting anyone else or the government tell you how to think.  It also necessitates for one to be prepared for whatever comes at them.

“Nothing can bring you peace but yourself.  Nothing can bring you peace but the triumph of principles.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

“You cannot help people permanently by doing for them, what they could and should do for themselves.” – Abraham Lincoln (Parents and grandparents should have this one taped to their mirror so they read it every morning before they start their day.  Just saying, if the child is capable of doing it then why are you?)

“If you truly want to be respected by people you love, you must prove to them that you can survive without them.” – Michael Bassey Johnson

Once again, thank you for taking the time to read my blog.  It means a lot to me and you and your time are deeply appreciated.  I take this time to wish everyone a happy Thanksgiving and good times with family.  As you go through the holidays don’t forget to spread the love.











Another Time, Another Place


I defy the annals of chivalry to furnish the record of a life more wild and perilous than that of a Rocky Mountain trapper.” – Francis Parkman

Have you ever wished you were born in another time?  I have on more than one occasion.  If I could have chose when I was going to start my journey on Mother Earth, it would have been during the era of the Mountain Men.

Mountain men were most common in the Rocky Mountains from around 1810 to 1880.  They were male trappers and explorers who lived in the wilderness and were instrumental in opening various Emigrant Trails.  Most mountain men worked for a major fur company however a large amount of them chose to be free trappers.

Fur trading companies implemented a system for the mountain men to sell their furs.  It was called the Rocky Mountain Rendezvous, founded by William Henry Ashley, and was around from 1825 to 1840.  James Beckwourth once described the Rendezvous as “Mirth, songs, dancing, shouting, trading, trading, running, jumping, singing, racing, target shooting, yarns, frolic, with all sorts of  extravagances that white men or Indians could invent.”  The Rendezvous is still celebrated yearly throughout the United States in honor of the mountain man.  There are black powder rifle shooting contests, knife throwing, tomahawk throwing and primitive archery contests.  Folks dress the part of the era and participate in primitive camping and cooking.

“A mountain man tries to live with the country instead of against it.” Louis L’Amour

The life of a mountain man wasn’t easy.  It was hard and many didn’t last very long.  They had to be knowledgeable about medicinal plants and be able to treat themselves when they got sick or hurt.  They had to contend with bear, wolves and mountain lions to name a few.  They also had clashes with the Native Americans in the area.  They had to know how to trap, hunt, fish, tan hides, make their own clothes, and build sound shelter.  They had to be survivors.

A few notable mountain men were:

Jim Beckwourth – (1798-1866)  African American who lived with the Crow and attained the position, “war chief”.

Jim Bridger – (1804-1881) Was among  the first non-natives to see geysers and the wonders of the Yellowstone Region.

John Colter – (1774-1812) One of the first mountain men and was a member of the Lewis and Clark Expedition.

A few others were, George Drouillard, Sylvan “Buckskin Bill” Hart, John “Liver-Eating” Johnson, Joseph Lafyette “Joe” Meek, Jedediah Smith and William Lewis Sublette.

“The mountains have rules, they are harsh rules, but they are there, and if you keep to them you are safe.  A mountain is not like men.  A mountain is sincere.  The weapons to conquer it exist inside you, inside your soul.” – Walter Bonatti

There have been times that I was floating down the river and would imagine myself as a mountain man and try to imagine what it was like to look upon sites that no white man had ever saw.  They had to be blown away by some of the breath taking scenes they saw.  How they must have felt when they came face to face with a blizzard and endured a Rocky Mountain winter.  They had to feel great accomplishment and jump with joy when spring fell upon the mountains and melted the winter snows.  Pardon my “French” but they had to have “gonads” the size of Texas.  They had no idea what they would face.  No doctors to run to when they got hurt or sick and if something happened to your supply of coffee your were out for a long time and it was a long way to a store to get more.


“The mountains are calling and I must go.” – John Muir

It would have been a tough life and quite a challenge but I would have loved to try it.  Failure during that time usually meant a loss of life.  Definitely the “ultimate challenge” that would separate men from the boys or should I say real men from the men?

Hope you enjoyed and thanks for taking the time to read my blog.  Spread the love.






































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Could You Survive?

My friends, things are getting wild in the world.  Earthquakes, massive fires, threats of war, rioting, hurricanes, etc..  If a massive earthquake rattled our country or an EMP hit our nation and destroyed the nation’s infrastructure and you had to rely on yourself to survive do you think you would be able to do it?  Would you be able to grow your own food and preserve it?

“There are two problems for our species’ survival – nuclear war and environmental catastrophe – and we’re hurtling towards them knowingly.” – Noam Chomsky

I know some of you are rolling your eyes saying the old man has lost it saying,  “That ain’t ever going to happen.”  I hope it doesn’t.  But I would rather be safe than sorry.  Oh my gosh.  Just think about not being able to use your cell phone and no internet service.  People will be jumping out of the windows like they did during the stock market crash of 1929.  Imagine walking into the grocery store and the shelves are bare.  Chaos on the streets will be rampant.  TEOTWAWKI -the end of the world as we know it; so to speak.

I was lucky enough to grow up in the country.  My mom and dad were avid gardeners and my mom canned the vegetables.  Hunted and fished, so we always had meat in the freezer.  My grandma also canned fish and meat and taught me how to save seed for the next season.  We even canned sausage before the microwave.

Personally I think the schools need to add a few subjects in school such as gardening, canning and a basic survival course.  This is something that would be beneficial to our children.  Just think of the stories about people who got lost or their vehicle broke down and they were left stranded.  What if they would have had these courses?  Would the outcome have been different?  I don’t know for sure however it wouldn’t have hurt.

“We don’t even know how strong we are until we are forced to bring that hidden strength forward.  In times of tragedy, of war, of necessity, people do amazing things.  The human capacity for survival and renewal is awesome.”  Isabel Allende

Fires in California and Montana destroys thousands of acres.  Irma and Harvey mark the first time two Atlantic category 4 U.S. landfalls have occurred in the same year.  Mexico gets hit with its strongest earthquake in a century.  We have to be prepared for the unexpected.

The purpose of this blog isn’t to spread gloom and doom.  It is however an attempt to encourage you to be ready for anything mother nature or governments throw at you.  If you live in hurricane areas, have an escape plan worked out.  Have on hand at least a 30 day supply of food and water.

Thank you for reading my blog.  I appreciate it very much.  Again I stress the purpose of this blog isn’t to preach gloom and doom but is instead an attempt to get you to think, could I survive?












Near Bonne Terre, MO

“Success depends upon previous preparation, and without such preparation there is sure to be failure.” – Confucius

Preparation – Something done to get ready for an event or undertaking.  I have always believed that success will never happen without preparation.  I know, I hear all the groans out there.  Yeah there have been those times that I have succeeded without preparing but I am here to tell ya that a blind hog will find an acorn every now and then.

Two friends of mine from high school and I are going to do a 7 day float on the Big River.  We are going to camp on sandbars and all three of us are over 60.  I am a firm believer in being prepared, especially for an event like this.  I bought a one man tent, summer sleeping bag and a few other things for the trip and I want to know they will perform well for me.  Tonight we were supposed to get some heavy rain and storms so I wanted to see how the tent is going to hold up in this situation soooooooo, I am camping in the backyard tonight.  I started the fire with what ever materials I could find and used the old trusty ax and steel.  I have had people laugh at me for doing this but the way I see it is if I NEED to start a fire to be able to survive I want to know I can do it and the only way to have enough confidence in yourself to get it done, is by being prepared for anything.


Fire I started using by using ax and steel.

I guess I am to the point of being a fanatic because I have been known to take off into the woods when it is raining cats and dogs and I see if I can start a fire.  I am not batting a thousand I can tell you that much.  I do feel confident in surviving if anything major happens.  I really feel that confidence is a major part of success and you gain confidence as you prepare.  For example, as you were flying over the Rockies the jet engines fail and you crash land in the mountains.  No one has any idea how to start a fire.  You think, well I have read about it but never done it.  I don’t care who you are, you are going to fail unless the good Lord has decided to make you the survivors savior.  Now let us think about this scenario, your plane has crashed and you have discovered that you are the only one that has any idea on how to start a fire.  You think to yourself, well I have started over 40 fires in various conditions, I got this,  Prepared=Confidence.

There was a time when our children were prepared for life.  Then some know it all came up with this idea that we shouldn’t spank our children and that everyone is a winner, no losers and everyone gets a trophy.  Really?  This is ok I guess if we lived in a perfect world but for those of you who think we do pardon me as I slap you.  We don’t live in a perfect world so it behooves you to realize that some day you will fail and you will lose, so put on your big boy/girl panties and suck it up buttercup.  It is part of life’s learning cycle.  Now for those of you who think I might have been a little harsh here all I can tell you is that I care about people and I want to see them succeed.  I want to help them and you can’t do that by telling them no one loses.


My home for six nights on the Big River

This will be home for tonight.  They are calling for storms but it doesn’t look like it is going to happen.  I really want to see how it fairs in the storms.  It is going to be my home for 6 nights and I want to be sure it will perform to what I need it to do,  Maybe tomorrow night.

Thanks for reading.  It is very much appreciated.  Remember to be kind to one another, share the love and don’t squat with your spurs on.