Who Is To Blame?


The pic above pretty much says it all about me.  Keep it simple.  Can’t say I know many people the age of 63 who would camp this way especially the weekend before Christmas in the state of Missouri.

Today’s blog is going to be kind of a rant about some of the things happening in our society today here in the good ole USA.  I watched in horror as an older gentleman chewed out the cashier over the price of gasoline and this little Tasmanian Devil went off in my head.  We are a nation of complainers but when it comes right down to it we, as a whole, will do absolutely nothing about it.   By the way, I did tell the man where the bear poopoos in the woods.

Folks, who sets the prices in this country?  If you said corporations, wrong!  The market sets the prices.  Who is the market?  John Q Public, in other words you and I.  Corporations put prices on the product and if we don’t buy the product they will have to lower the price or pull it.  For example, remember those spinner things that were all the rave?  Kids all wanted one and they were paying $10.00 for them.  The companies made money hand over fist because we bought them at those ridiculous prices.  Now the market is completely saturated so you can now buy that same spinner for$2.50. Once again Americans were fleeced.  Why?  Because we didn’t dig our heels in and say “NO”.

Gasoline costs.  Folks are always complaining about the prices.  Newsflash Twinkletoes, have you did anything to reduce your travel?  If folks would reduce their driving and gas consumption the gas companies would be forced to drop the prices so they could sell it.

Look at the price of new vehicles.  2018 Dodge 350 with a diesel.  $38,000 to $50,000!  New homes $350,000 to $750,000.  We just keep on buying them.  Going deeper and deeper in debt.  Then we have to have that $75,000 camper.  But why?  To keep up with the Jones’es or to act like we are someone of importance?

Growing up I remember camping and there were dozens of tent campers.  I went to a state park back in the fall of 2017 and camped in my tent and there were maybe 6 tent campers and 20 camping trailers.  I am here to tell ya those trailers were first class with all the pleasures of home.  The price of tents are pretty reasonable but those campers, well you better bring the big checkbook.

“You cannot escape the responsibility of tomorrow by evading it today.” – Abraham Lincoln

I seem to be all over the place here but what I am trying to get across to folks is you have to accept the responsibility of the prices you are paying.  Oh, price gouging is real but if you don’t buy the item they can’t gouge you now can they?  Do you have to have that camper with three built in televisions, satellite, built in butt wiper, etc.?

Supply and demand rules.  As long as you demand that $10 beer at the stadium, they are going to charge you $10.  Gasoline supplies get low and you keep buying it, it is going to go up because the demand is greater than the supply.  Maybe it is time for consumers to stick together and help determine a little better pricing on some of the products we use in this country.  Just my 2 cents.

Thanks for taking the time to read my blog and I hope it made sense to you.  Spread the love.

10 thoughts on “Who Is To Blame?

  1. You are the voice, I believe, of most of our generation as well as many “behind” us. Having been a marketing pro for decades, you’re right about ultimate pricing. The spinner is great example too. First time out, pricing tries to have a good margin, pick up some development costs as well as covering hard costs. In this products case, they didn’t protect themselves well enough with their parent write up leaving holes for cheaper (made) items to come along and undermine them. (Just saw them for free, only pay shipping, earlier this month). You are right about everything in here, my opinion, and appreciate when you write or vent about things…seems you’ve been rattling around in my brain too. Thanks for great post. Always amazingly written, always thought provoking.


  2. Spot on post, so true!

    Everyone complains about Wal Mart then shops there weekly. Everyone complains about global warming on myface (facebook) while living in a mansion and ordering amazon crap weekly.

    Instead of being the change they wish to see in the world, their preaching (sanctimony) about how others should change, while not practicing it themselves.

    Speaking of China Mart, er Wal Mart they were asked a while back why they don’t carrry more organic foods, and they responded that if there was more of a demand for it, they would, just like you say.

    So pathetic when somene take out their rage on a checkout clerk, my brother was relaying a similar incident a while back. That’s great you admonished him.

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