Equine Ownership

As a retired horseshoer and horse owner I have learned a lot about the equine. They, like people, all have their own personalities. They are also a lot more intelligent than people give them credit for.

A lot of responsibility comes with ownership. There is a lot of work involved and it isn’t cheap. If you don’t own property and have to board your horse it can be quite expensive. If you keep your horse in a stall the stall needs to be mucked out daily. They also have to be fed hay daily. Depending on the horse and what you are doing with the horse you may need to feed grain twice a day every day.

“I’ve often said there is nothing better for the inside of the man, than the outside of the horse.” – Ronald Reagan

Now if you show your horse, compete in rodeos or trail ride you are going to need a trailer to haul your horse in and a truck to pull it. Now this could be a rather large expense.

Let’s not forget veterinarian expenses and annual shots, worming, hoof care and unexpected events.

All in all equine ownership isn’t cheap. In my opinion though the reward is worth the expense.

11 thoughts on “Equine Ownership

  1. I regard my horse ownership as therapy and worth every penny I spend on them. I figure I can’t take my money with me when I leave this Earth so I enjoy what I Love! Nice to read your posts!
    Thank you from a horse crazy person, Diana

    Liked by 2 people

    • I also have cats. Around 70. Long story but I take care of around 70 feral cats. I have had some groups help some what. Last year a couple of vets spayed and neutered 28. Everyone says just quit feeding them and they will go away but I just can’t bring myself to not feed them. I can tell you are an animal lover like myself.


      • Yay, I felt a kindred spirit.
        What can I say, except that I too, can’t stop feeding them in the office cat park, the randoms at home and the four resident kitties. I write about them because they give me more joy, more than some of the humans in my life. I too belong to groups on Facebook and Instagram and help where I can.
        God bless you with your efforts. I pray more people commit to helping our furry babies. 🤗

        Liked by 1 person

      • So good to hear I am in good company. You have a heart of gold. God bless you in your endeavors. I am pretty much a loner. I wrote a blog about it. Taking care of animals and the love they give back fills an emptiness in my heart. If humans were capable of unconditional love like animals, the world would be so much better off. You made my day!


      • I gave so much of myself, I was running on empty. Then I was held up at gunpoint. I think twice now. Ive always loved animals but now I prefer them to some people. Life is too precious not to live it our way and love living it that way. 🤗

        Liked by 1 person

      • I am retired and on a fixed income but always manage to find some way to buy their food. There are some days I wonder where the money is going to come from to feed them but God seems to help find the money. I prefer the company of animals over people. Sorry to hear you were robbed. At 65 I really don’t care what people think of me. If they think I am crazy for taking care of them, oh well. Always live life for you. Be happy and feel good about yourself. God bless you.


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